LST Students Shine in National Handwriting Day Competition

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Featured News / Posted On - 20 / 02 / 2025

Tallyia Charalambous, Director of English at LST, and Bethan Davies Primary Improvement team collaborated to launch an exciting cross-Trust handwriting competition in celebration of National Handwriting Day—and we’re delighted to share that it was a huge success! 


“We were overwhelmed by the number of fantastic entries from students across all Academies, and we would like to extend our thanks to all staff for encouraging participation.”

— Tallyia Charalambous, Director of English 


Students from Years 1–7 took part, with one winner per year group recognised for their outstanding handwriting. Year 7 students faced an additional challenge—writing their own original pieces. 


Congratulations to our winners: 

Year 1: Lewis (Thomas Walling) & Sadie (Sedgefield Hardwick) 

Year 2: Tymon (Oxclose Primary) 

Year 3: Isla (Academy 360) 

Year 4: Marianne (Excelsior Primary) 

Year 5: Anam (Westgate Hill) 

Year 6: Ruby (South Hylton) 

Year 7: Nehanika (Excelsior Academy) 


The competition highlighted the importance of handwriting as a key literacy skill, a mission echoed by the National Handwriting Association, which works to raise awareness, promote best practices, and support children with handwriting challenges. 

Classroom celebrations and school assemblies were held to recognise our talented students. Stay tuned for more Trust-wide initiatives aimed at championing literacy across our Academies!